
Here’s one from the archives that I forgot about.

Last November when I was driving Joey into Central over Thanksgiving break, I found myself following a Porsche Panamera, a beast of a car.  Broad and powerful-looking, it’s a Porsche on steroids, amped up on testosterone and machismo.  Still, I thought, as a drove along behind it, it’s a handsome car, especially in that steely metallic brown.  I have to admit, I was finding it a little sexy.

And then, I looked at the license plate.

Because 'O-B-N-O-X-I-O-U-S' wouldn't fit.

It occurs to me that the owner must be using this car to weed out any thinking women who might be tempted to date him.  Bimbos are, of course, much easier to manage.  So smart of him!

I guess what’s so offensive about this car/plate combo is its ham-handedness.  I mean, it’s just so obvious.  Wanna-be playboys around the world, take note.  A car of this bling-factor requires a little subtlety or humor with a plate.  How about ‘BANKRPTD’, (or ‘COMPENS8NG’) or, how about just abort the vanity plates altogether?   Although,  a keychain that says “My other car is a Chevy Vega” would not be amiss.

On the other hand, come to think of it, if you drive a Chevy Vega or Ford Pinto, held together with baling wire and rust and chewing gum, ‘PLAYA’ would be a great plate.